Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 69 - Truro, Nova Scotia

It's Tuesday, August 7th and a very rainy travel day. We drove 235 miles and didn't see the sun until we arrived in Truro.  Thank goodness we are ending our trip versus beginning it as the predictions aren't sounding very good for the rest of the week.  We are traveling backwards along the same roads to get back to St. John's on Friday.  Did not take any pictures today while traveling because they would be duplicates plus the rain on the windshield didn't help.
We did make one stop today and that was to tour one of Canada’s few comprehensive industrial museums, the Nova Scotia Museum of Industry which tells the story of work and workers. There was technology, steam engines and locomotives, cars and coal mining. 

We were able to try our hand at different exhibits.  One of the funniest was sorting chocolates into boxes while the belt was moving. (Reminded us of Lucille Ball doing that skit).  Rod was turning and having a good laugh at my expense - bad boy!!  Other hands-on exhibits demonstrated bottle making, loom mills and water power. Early household appliances and a collection of Nova Scotia glass also was displayed.

The black car is a Volvo first built in l963 in Darmouth, Canada.  The blue and yellow vehicle is a Shopmobile.  It was a an industrial arts facility that traveled to rural areas of the province to train school age boys in wood and metal working.  The brown car is a McKay Automobile - stats above.  The train is steam powered. 

The museum is, appropriately enough, on the site where industrialization first took place in Nova Scotia.  In the l820s the General Mining Company began mining coal here using newly developed methods, such as steam engines, brought from Great Britain.  Two of Canada's oldest steam locomotives, "Samson" and "Albion" are among the more than 37,000 artifacts displayed in the museum. 

Another travel day tomorrow so I did three loads of laundry tonight, Bruce went to the travel meeting while I worked on the computer.  Friends came over after dinner and we played cards - always a lot of fun. 

Hope you had a fun-filled day as well.

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