Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 33 - Prince Edward Island

We have another free day this Monday, July 2nd.  The sun is out so we decided to get a few things done around the RV then head into Charlottetown, the largest city on the Island.  We really didn't see too much as it is just a regular city with a harbour and a few neat restaurants downtown and shops. We all jumped into Rod's Jeep and headed out with the wind blowing through our hair - I love it.

We visited the beautiful St. Dunstan's Basilica.  It was completed in l9l9 after three others that had burnt down.  Because of all the fires, this is the largest and most fire-resistant cathedral in the Maritimes.  The Pope after l00 years, honoured the financial sacrifices Islanders made to resurrect this house of God from its ashes by granting St. Dunstan's the title of Basilica. In l990, the federal government designated St. Dunstan's Basilica a National Historic Site of Canada citing it as one of the most elaborate churches in the Maritimes and a fine example of High Victorian Gothic Revival architecture. 

After lunch, we decided to take a tour of the area. We took a vehicle that goes on land as well as in the water.  It was okay - nothing special.  We saw a class going on with sailboats.  They actually have students as young as 6 years old - wow!!!  The white house is where the Lt. Governor resides.  Prince William and Kate stayed there during their visit to the Island.  In the middle picture you can see the skyline of the city and spires of the Basilica.  As in all of the area, they are noted for their floral arrangements everywhere.  We found a park where it had this colorful design made w/flowers.  I have no idea who the yacht belonged to but it sure was a beauty.  We were told that a lot of celebrities come to the Island to get away from the city and just relax.  One of the latest was Regis Philbin.  Quite a few of them own huges houses and we did see a lot of those around. 

Picture of the Day!!

We returned to the campground, did a few things around the RV and were ready for Happy Hour.  Everyone gathered around to share their experiences of the day.  Some good and some not so good but we all had a few laughs.

I want to wish my Beautiful Daughter, Dawn, a Very Happy Birthday tomorrow, July 3rd.  I wish we could be together but I know Sophia, her dog, and Michael will make it very special for her.  Love you Honey!

We will have a travel day tomorrow, so need to start closing up the RV and get ready to leave about 8:30 a.m.  Hope you all had a beautiful day!!

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