Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 59 - Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland

It is now Saturday, July 28th and we have a very busy day planned – a lot of hiking.  Thank goodness the sun is out and we can enjoy the outdoors.  Bruce has had it planned for months now to hike the Gros Morne Mountain.   It is a 10 mile hike and very strenuous.  He will be going out on his own- no one from our group will join him - nor will I - but there will be other people hiking as well.  I’m going to be walking with some of our other friends.

As you can see from the poster and the rocks, it wasn’t an easy hike at all.  It was pretty much straight up climbing up and over rocks.  The rounded mountain is what he climbed and the bottom left is looking down some of the gully that he went up.  Good job Babe!

He made it to the top and he was thrilled – now it’s time to head down.  He saw a Rock Ptarmigan (the bird) with a baby – always a nice sight.  They don’t fly often – only if frightened.  He sat up there, enjoyed the view and had his lunch.  He made it in 5 1/2 hours which is great.
While Bruce was hiking, I was off on my own little journey walking along the coastline as well as through a bit of a forest.  It was pretty neat.  The trees look like they have frost on them but with temp’s in the 70’s – don’t think so.  In the parks, they have red hard plastic chairs just sitting out in the open.  Yes, they are cabled into the ground but they are a picture all of their own.  Chris is collecting rocks for her grandson – came back with two pockets full.  There were guys fly fishing - most of them tossing them back in - good men!
While hiking Berry Pond Trail, I saw many different plants.    The two pictures on the left side are the front and back side of the same plant.   It is called a Pitcher Plant.  The other is a pretty blue berry on one straight stem - very unusual but colorful.  The other pictures are scenery and another path through the forest.

After three hikes with my friends, and after Bruce’s hike, we connected and did the Baker’s Brook Falls Trail together.  The walk was nothing special but the waterfall’s was spectacular.  It had three levels.  We had to walk down two flights of stairs to get to the different sections of the falls.  Bruce is on his way up.  I hiked 12 miles and Bruce hiked 16 - now we can eat!!  lol

After dinner, our entire group took a Sunset Cruise and Tour on the Bonne Bay.  It was a perfect night.  At the pier was this huge yacht.  What a beauty.   I saw it when we arrived in Rocky Harbour but it was further out  in the water, but tonight we saw it up close and personal.  I looked up the name on the internet and it said that this boat is a luxury rental yacht for the rich and famous.  Who would have thought?    It may be hard for you to see, but inside the rock is a form that looks like a woman kneeling.  The smaller boat is what we were on for our tour (nothing like the yacht).
We had a great night seeing animals. During our cruise, we saw Eagles sitting on top of the trees as well as in their nests.  I also lucked out and got a picture of an Eagle after she swiped up a fish.  We were very fortunate to see a Moose walking along.  Certainly didn’t expect that.  To top off the evening, we also saw a Minkie Whale.  It was too dark for a picture but it was there as well - honest!
As the sun was setting, the lighting gave us perfect shots of the rocks as well as the Light House and a fishing boat.  It was a great night to view the sunset.  We had entertainment on the boat – mostly Irish and New Foundland music.  We were all clapping and stomping our feet.  Great fun – hated for the night to end.
Different photo’s of the sunset – I only took a couple dozen.   You can see how the color of the sunset changed as the clouds drifted through - just amazing.   The yacht was all lite up when we returned to the dock – pretty impressive.  We had all hoped that we could have had a tour of that boat.

Picture of the Day!
There were a lot of pictures that I could have used but I thought with the Mountain, the clouds, cliffs and water - what more could I ask for.
Hope you had a picture perfect day as well.

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