Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 48 - St. John's, Newfoundland

I woke up early this Tuesday, July 17th, because the waves were a bit choppy.  Due to the lack of sleep, I was hoping to sleep longer but I got up, showered and off we went for breakfast.  There wasn't a lot to do so we played cards with Wendy and Wayne.  After lunch, we went back to the cardroom and played somemore.  Rod and Patty joined us.  There were other groups playing as well. 

Patty, Wendy and Wayne are walking down the aisle - always having a good time no matter what we are all up to.  Joyce, Mary, Pat, Tom, Pat, Sharon, and Larry are busy playing cards.  Two pictures of our dining area.  Not too exciting but it worked.

No, I'm not in the Windy City of Chicago.  The Ferry is going into dock and we are out trying to get some pictures.  The water is quite clear so when the Ferry was turning around so we could drive out the rigs, the water got churned up and looked so pretty.  I think we were just about one of the last rigs to roll off the Ferry.  New Foundland, here we are!!!

It is raining out but between the raindrops, I was able to get a few pictures of the landscape.  I'm seeing alot of water and wild flowers.

I'm seeing a lot of lakes and other forms of bodies of water.  A lot of trees as well.  We actually saw a Moose today but not in time for me to take a picture.   Shortly after we arrived at our campground, we had a short Happy Hour due to the weather - looks like it could start raining at any time.  Tomorrow will be very busy with an all day tour.  We had to change our clocks by half an hour - yes half an hour - go figure!!  
Heard the weather is hot again at home.  So happy we aren't there as I would be withering from the humidity.  Hope all is well and you are enjoying your days.

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