Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 11 - New York, New York

It is Sunday, June10th.  We arrived in New Jersey about 12:30.  It is sunny and hot but we wasted no time in taking a Ferry to Ellis Island.  Some l2 million immigrants, mostly Europeans, came to the United States to become Americans at Ellis Island.  It opened in l830 and closed in l954.  It was in l990 that it was restored as a museum. 

We took over a ferry to the Island.  This is the main building and entry hall used for registration

We then took another Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.  A bit of history: The statue was a symbolic gift from the French honoring the ideals of freedom and liberty.  It was  designed by Gustave Eiffel (yes same person that did the Eiffel Tower). l88l – l884 the statue was assembled in Paris.   In l885 it was dismantled and shipped to New York.    It is again undergoing restoration.  A very impressive sight.

New Jersey in the background.

Statue is l5l feet tall, nearly 225 tons, copper over steel.
Pedestal is 89 feet tall made out of granite
The back of the statue.
We can actually see the statue from our RV because the torch is lite up.

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