Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 25 - Cap-Aux-Os, QC

Bonjour!!!  It is Dimanche (Sunday) June 24th.  Now aren't you impressed w/all my French???  You'll only have to put up w/me and my little knowledge of French for a couple more days before we head to New Brunswick.
It was another wet day - darn it anyway!!  We are in such a beautiful part of the country especially if the sun was out.  We did the sightseeing, etc. but were dodging rain drops most of the day.  We are just outside the Forillon Park (the word forillon appears to designate a small, rocky island standing erect) and it is just beautiful along the coast as well as wooded areas.  We would have done a lot of hiking but the weather was only conducive to getting a cold so we did more driving.  We did see another whale in our travels which kind of made our day. We were hoping to see a moose but that didn't happen either.  One of our fellow travels did see one alongside the road - hopefully our day will come.  There are a lot of bears in the park as well - didn't see them either.

I just noticed in looking through my pictures that I lucked out and got a picture of the whale (now you can believe me).  I barely got it but it's there - yeah!!!  Thank goodness I bought a decent camera with a zoom lense as the whale was quite a distance out.  As you can see the coastline is lovely and if it wasn't so nasty out, we would have walked on the beaches as well as to land's end - the tip of the peninsula. 

This is quite the collage of pictures but they do flow.  We went into the city of Gaspe' and had lunch at a little French Restaurant on this little street.  It was only a block long but had some neat cafe's etc; however, it being Sunday not many of them were open.  Afterwards, we drove to the park and found this neat little cemetery.  As I may have mentioned before, a lot of Quebec is catholic so to see the stature of Jesus on the Cross was not a surprise.  I don't think you would see much of this in the States - someone would be complaining.  There are a lot of statues and crosses along the way in this province.  We continued into the Park and found this bird eating leaves in a tree.  Sorry but not sure exactly what kind of bird it is but it was not fazed by people walking under him.  To our surprise, we found this beautiful, huge pool in the park.  Wow!!!  It was next to a campground but there were hardly any people there.  Again, if it was nice, we would have been in there.

In the park are buildings, such as this store, that tell the history of the people who came to settle the land.  It was explained to us that the Cod Fisherman would buy their supplies here and pay off their debt after the season once they sold the fish.  I felt like I should buy something when I walked in until I realized it was just a display.  I could have used a box of oatmeal too!

                  This is our Picture of the Day.  A waterfall streaming down rocks covered w/moss.

A week ago, Pat, our Wagon Master's wife, asked us to all contribute a can of vegetables per person.  Little did we know that tonight when the Staff was preparing dinner for us it would be vegetable soup - one pot with chicken and the other with beef.  It couldn't have been a better day as we were all damp and cool.  It was excellent and we really enjoyed it.  They also supplied cake for dessert.  Now you know why we try to get in some hiking every day.  It was fun visiting w/everyone and hearing about their day.  Afterwards, Patty and Rod came over to play cards and again, us girls lost.  Gosh darn it - they sure are lucky.

Hope your day was a good one and certainly dryer than ours.  Bonne nuit (Good night) and have a good Lundi (Monday)!!

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