Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day l6, Hermon, Maine

It is Friday, June l5th and a beautiful sunny day.  Even when we can sleep in a bit, we still wake up early.  We sat outside and had a cup of coffee w/our friends old and new.  It was a day of cleaning up the RV, doing laundry while Bruce cleaned up the outside.  It was good not having to go anywhere for a day.  We did run out to the store for last minute items as we sure don’t want to have to pay Canadian prices if we don’t have to. 

After all the work during the day, it was an evening of great fun as we helped Rod and Patty Celebrate their 50th Anniversary.

Rod, Patty, Bob,Jackie, Roni and Bruce

Rod surprised Patty with a very pretty ring.  He was very emotional explaining the significance of the design of the ring.  We were all in tears “of joy” by the time he was done.  We brought over a bottle of champagne to honor them and the occasion.  We needed it at that point. 

Rod went to great lengths to find a very nice restaurant.  He did a very good job.  The service and food was very good as well as all the drinks.

The evening ended with a beautiful sunset. 

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